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Why I Stopped Purchasing Beauty Sponges In Plastic Packaging

The beauty industry generates a significant amount of plastic waste, and single-use plastic packaging is one of the major contributors. Beauty sponges, in particular, are often packaged in plastic packaging, contributing to the growing problem of plastic pollution. In this blog post, I will share why I stopped purchasing beauty sponges in single-use plastic packaging and offer a sustainable solution to this problem.

Single-Use Plastic Packaging of Beauty Sponges Does Not Address The Problem Of Beauty Sponge Storage

While single-use plastic packaging may seem convenient for storing cosmetic sponges, it is not a sustainable solution for the following reasons:

1. Plastic packaging is derived from fossils fuels which have a significant impact on the environment. The extraction, transportation, and processing of these fuels release greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change.

2. Plastic packaging has a long lifespan and does not decompose quickly. This leads to an accumulation of plastic waste in the environment. This can harm wildlife, pollute water ways and take hundreds of years to degrade.

3. Plastic packaging poses a significant threat to marine life. The vast majority of plastic waste ends up in the oceans, where it breaks down into microplastics that may be ingested by marine animals, causing injury and death.

4. The accumulation of plastic waste affects the food chain as the toxins in the plastic can contaminate the fish and other seafood that humans consume.

5. Plastic packaging is often single-use. This creates a lot of waste that is difficult to recycle as many plastic products are made from different types of plastic that cannot be easily separated. This leads to a significant amount of plastic waste ending up in landfills where it takes hundreds of years to decompose.

Single-use plastic packaging of beauty sponges does not address the issue of hygiene and maintenance.

According to a study published in the January 2021 issue of the Medical Hypothesis Journal, titled “Why Does Sars-CoV2 Survive Longer on Plastic Than on Paper” revealed that 3 three hours after being laid on paper, no virus can be detected. In contrast, the virus can still infect cells seven days after being laid on plastic.

Single-use plastic packaging of beauty sponges does not address the user experience

Single-use plastic packaging doesn’t provide any additional benefit to the user’s experience with the product. The packaging doesn’t contribute to beauty sponge maintenance and longevity. It, in fact, encourages unsustainable behaviors.

Furthermore, single-use packaging of beauty sponges forces the consumer to purchase unnecessary beauty sponge related accessories often constructed from plastic. Included in these accessories are plastic cases or holders, novelty cleaning gadgets, that contribute to plastic pollution and beauty sponge specific cleaning solutions often sold in plastic packaging.

The Beauty Sponge Sachet® is the solution

The solution to the problem of single-use plastic packaging of beauty sponges is the Beauty Sponge Sachet®. This patented all-in-one maintenance system for cosmetic sponges eliminates single-use plastic packaging, solves the problem of beauty sponge hygiene and maintenance, and provides an efficient user experience. Simply wash, dry and store the four premium sponges which are included in the maintenance system in an ordinary washing machine and dryer. The Beauty Sponge Sachet® represents beauty sponge hygiene and maintenance made simple.

Protect the planet and your sponges to by clicking the above link to purchase the Beauty Sponge Sachet®!


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